Gerardo, who preaches for the church that meets in downtown Caracas, recently came into contact with a lady who is in the management of the police of the city of Caracas who seems to be very interested in studying the Bible. How did he meet such a high official?
Fortunately, he did not meet her in her official capacity, but rather as he and 5 other brethren were handing out tracts and invitations on the streets one Sunday afternoon. While I recognize that door knocking and other "cold calling", where you don't know the contact and they don't know you are probably the least productive way of finding prospects to study they do produce some results. If you have more than enough prospects to keep you busy, attend to them first, but if you run out, or should I say when you run out, there is always door knocking.
A radio program and a booth at some kind of fair or exposition are probably in the same category--you are not likely to see quick results and you may never see results at all, although if His Word has been preached there will be results. You may not see them and they may not come all the way back to God, but His Word will influence them for good.
Let's see who we can find to teach the Scriptures to, whatever method it takes.
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