Monday, December 17, 2007

The Spice Island

My plans for 2008 include a trip to Grenada in March. Since Grenada is the second largest producer of nutmeg, as well as the source of much of the world's supply of cinnamon, cloves, allspice, and mace, it is known as the Spice Island. It's exciting the first time you go to see the nutmegs growing on trees everywhere--beside the road, in people's yards, everywhere.
My plan is to work with two churches--one in the capital, St. Georges, which you will find at the "bend" on the left side of the island, near the bottom and another in Mt. Granby, which is inland from Gouyave, on the same side of the island, but much higher up. Currently three of us are planning to go, but I would like to take at least a couple more. If we could have 4-6 men, we could preach in both St. Georges as well as Mt. Granby and also have Bible studies during the day. If you're interested, please let me know quickly, as we need to firm up airline resv., guest house, etc.
Ernest Roberts has recently moved back to Grenada and is working with both of these churches. He and his family lived here in the 80's, but have been in Dominica for more than 20 years. Now he and his wife Eden have moved back. I know the brethren are glad for him to be back and pray his labors this time will be as effective as they previously were.

1 comment:

Gardner Hall said...

I'm glad you're back in the Caribbean. I enjoyed reading your report on evangelism update and will try to check in here often. God bless,