Friday, July 07, 2006

Vacation Bible school time again

If the Lord permits, next Wed. I will be leaving for Dominica to get things ready for vacation Bible school in the village of Vielle Case. We still don't know whether we will have it at the church building, which is too small, or at the school just below it. Hopefully, I can get this finalized when I get there--that's why I'm going early.

What we do know is that when we begin on the 17th that we will have at least 50 kids and probably more. Some of them are children of the members but most of them are not, which gives us an opportunity to talk and try to get a study with the parents. Since some of the children live 2 miles or so away I go bring the smaller ones while the teenagers and older ones walk and yes, it IS uphill both ways.

Brethren, please pray for these efforts. Also please prayerfully consider if you could help us with such an effort in the future. There is good potential in the Eastern Caribbean, as there are still countries where people not only have more time, but more interest in God. These trips usually last about a week (Sat.-Sat.) and would cost around $1500 a person and only require that you speak English.

Let me know if you're interested in going and I will keep you posted for next year.


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