Thursday, June 01, 2006

New building

We were privileged to worship with the church that used to meet in the preacher's porch but has since built this building. They've been meeting here for about 3 months now. It even has a baptistry that's about 3 feet deep, so obviously the candidate sits down and leans back.

There were 21 in attendance last night, including 2 visitors. The sermon was on humility and began from Dan. 4 and the humbling of Nebuchadnezzar.

It was good to see the progress the church has made here. Their preacher is in his 70's and not in the best of health so it is good they now have their old building--his wife would not put them out but when she died their son very well might. But that problem is solved now.

It was good to see these brethren again, even though I had to keep explaining why I had not been there in 8 years. I was offerred a third place to stay, so housing is never a problem in Santo Domingo.


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