Thursday, February 15, 2007

"Never give up"

The photo is of Dana and I and Sister Inez LeBlanc, of Vielle Case, Dominica. Although Sister Inez passed away last year her influence is still felt. This picture was taken in 2005 and Rusty Taylor, a young man who was in our preacher training program for that summer was with us. Sister Inez told him, "Never give up." She went on to say that most young people do give up, but that he should not. That conversation is something Rusty still remembers and talks about.

You never know what chance remark will have an impact on someone else for good. Several years ago I preached about raising children and said "some children require more raising than others" and one Mother reminds me of that frequently--she quit working to stay home and raise her kids. Sister Inez was giving good advice--advice that I know she had given to other young people, most of whom did not follow it. Isn't that what Paul told Timothy, be ready in season and out of season to preach the Word?


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