In July of this year we did our 3rd vacation Bible school in Vielle Case (at the top of the map). The average number of kids this year was 67, most of which are from the community. We had 8 teachers/helpers, which was not enough, as we had 5 classes. We had so many that we had to "rent" the school this year. It is rewarding to see some of the same kids that we began with 3 years ago growing in their knowledge of God's Word. The photo below is of one of the sessions together that we begin and end each day with.
We expect as many kids, perhaps a few more, so this year we would like to have 10-12 people. The guest house we use will accomodate 12, so that's not a problem. We will do VBS from around 9-11:30 each morning and will not be preaching at night this year, as the church has a Gospel meeting planned for the next week. We will tour a little bit a couple of afternoons, but will still have time to invite people for the Gospel meeting, have Bible studies, etc.
The dates for next years VBS (2007) are the 16-20th of July in Vielle Case. The cost of the guest house should be $15 a person a night, which apart from your airfare will be the biggest expense. I will rent a vehicle, so you don't need to worry about that. To get an idea of the price of airfare go on and check the airfare from your city to Dominica (DOM is the airport code). We will also ask you to bring some of the food with you, as we have a place to cook there. If you're interested, contact me at or
In 2007 we will also be doing a second week of VBS in La Plaine (on the map find Rosalie--it is about 5 miles south of there). It will begin the 23rd and run through the 27th of July. We will also have preaching each night, so it will be a busy week. This will be the first effort like this, so I'm expecting 25-35 kids this year. Since the church doesn't have a building, we will also meet in the school building here. We really need 8-10 here as well. The costs will be similar: the airfare will be the same, housing will be 3-5 in a house, which will cost $100 for the week, so each persons' share will be about $35 for the week.
Dominica is very safe, they speak English, and we are always well received, so if you are willing to take 10 days or so to help us with this effort please let me know.