Monday, August 28, 2006

Tortola, BVI

Dana and I were in Tortola, BVI the middle of August for a week. The brethren chose as the theme for this Gospel meeting "Examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith", with the aim to encourage and motivate those brethren who were weak or had fallen away.

Attendance grew throughout the week--Mon. night we had 16, then 23, 26, 25, and 21 on Friday night. This photo was taken on Friday night and I asked everyone to move over to the same side. Nick Alejo is the young man in the lower right corner--he flew from around Chicago and met us there. Nick preached Sunday morning and Wed. night of this series. I know the brethren were encouraged and several weaker brethren attended at least one night. We also had 3 studies with Shirley, who visited 3 nights. Her daughter and fiance also visited another night.

Please pray for the church in Tortola--as you can see they are small and do not presently have a full time preacher, which hinders the work. Shirley had been studied with once but although the brethren meant to follow up sooner, that had been 3 months earlier.


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